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A Better Way to Strategic Planning: How Bellevue School District is Leading with Community Voice

Jason Jansky

Updated: Dec 18, 2024

Strategic planning often feels like a top-down exercise, where the voices of those most impacted—students, families, educators, and community members—can get lost in the shuffle. But what if there were a better way? A way to ensure that diverse perspectives are heard, root problems are addressed and, most importantly, to dramatically increase the likelihood that what gets planned actually gets done? 

Bellevue School District Logo

C!E partnered with the Bellevue School District to help them reimagine the process for their 2024-2029 Strategic Plan; a process that the district will testify is bold and extremely effective approach to planning—one that prioritizes inclusion, empathy, co-creation, and shared accountability. For state and district education leaders looking to reimagine their own strategic planning processes, there’s a lot to learn from Bellevue’s journey.

Grounded in Community Voice

At the heart of Bellevue’s strategic plan is its Strategic Plan Coalition, a diverse group of stakeholders intentionally designed to reflect the community it serves. The coalition was built using an inclusive model: one-third of its members were appointed by the district, one-third were selected through an open application process, and one-third were chosen through a process called sortition (similar to jury duty). The attention paid to the make-up of the group ensured that a broad range of voices—including those who are often underrepresented—could contribute to shaping the district’s vision. 

The coalition’s use of empathy interviews further amplified community voices. By asking open-ended questions like, “Describe when you felt like your school or district understood your culture or background,” the coalition gathered rich, qualitative insights into the lived experiences of students, families, and educators. Through these interviews, the coalition identified a central problem: while each member of the Bellevue School District community wants to feel heard, valued, and affirmed, the district’s current organizational culture does not yet foster a universal sense of belonging and support.

Addressing Root Causes for Meaningful Change

In response to this problem, the coalition dug deep to uncover these primary root causes that hinder progress:

  1. The Bellevue Reputation: The district’s legacy of aggregate outcomes masks significant disparities and stratification.

  2. Efficiency and Inequity: Systems are optimized for efficiency but fail to meet the diverse needs of the community.

  3. Unresponsive Systems: District systems are not designed to partner effectively with students, families, and educators.

  4. Transactional Relationships: Relationships within the district often prioritize compliance over trust, empowerment, and innovation.

By naming these challenges, Bellevue has created a roadmap for change that is both honest and actionable.

Community Commitments: A Vision for the Future

To imagine a future where these root causes were addressed, the coalition worked with the community to define three powerful commitments:

  • We Belong: A commitment to creating a school culture where every individual feels cared for, valued, and safe.

  • We Learn: A promise to cultivate a culture of innovation, reflection, and growth for all.

  • We Lead: A vision of empowering every member of the community to be an agent of change in their own lives and beyond.

These commitments are not just aspirational—they are a call to action for the entire Bellevue community to work together toward a shared vision of belonging, learning, and leadership.

Priorities for Action

To make progress on these commitments, the coalition identified three priority areas for the next five years:

  1. Building Human-Centered Systems and Relationships: Streamlining systems to create more time for meaningful connections, addressing biases, and fostering authentic relationships across differences.

  2. Cultivating Student Engagement and Learning: Designing learning experiences that center student voice and agency, while creating multiple pathways for success.

  3. Strengthening Collective Leadership: Supporting leaders at all levels to co-create solutions with the community and develop sustainable, equity-driven practices.

Shared Accountability for a Shared Vision

One of the most inspiring aspects of Bellevue’s strategic plan is its emphasis on shared accountability. Rather than relying solely on traditional metrics, the district is committed to capturing the real experiences and stories of its students, families, and educators. This shift away from “business as usual” is a bold step toward creating a culture of continuous learning and improvement. The district has put together a steering committee to guide implementation, launching inclusive design teams to develop innovative solutions, and engaging the broader community in ongoing reflection, dialogue and co-creation.

A Model for the Future

For education leaders grappling with the challenges of strategic planning, Bellevue’s approach offers a powerful blueprint. By centering community voice, addressing root causes, and fostering a culture of shared accountability, the district is a model for meaningful, sustainable change. 

The question now is: What would it look like if your district embraced a similar approach?

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