At C!E, we lean into the concept of “leading with learning” and delight in digging into nerdy topics, lines of inquiry with colleagues, and asking the hard questions. This blog serves as a sandbox, our testing ground, and space for rumination to share out C!E’s work.
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Teachers of New Mexico: the Nation is Watching and Taking Your Lead
Investing in Learning
Why Do We Have Two Systems of Accountability?
Origins of the C!E Theory of Action
Origins of the C!E Theory of Action
Ode to November 2020
Invitation to a New Path Forward: Seeking Equity Together Through Assessment and Accountability
A letter from Gene Wilhoit: How might we respond to Secretary DeVos?
An Opportunity to do Great Things
A COVID Conversation with Kentucky Teachers: Some Light in Dark Times
“To pod or not to pod?” - There are actually more questions than that.
Toiling in the Vineyard: State-Level Educational Intermediary Organizations in the Covid Era
Leading with Learning: Equity-Seeking Partnership
Leading with Learning: Equity Seeking Leadership in the COVID Era